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Aviva Jobin-Leeds a printmaker, painter, and writer, trained in Expressive Art Therapy. She has exhibited in NYC; Kauai, HI; Cambridge and Boston, MA. She has worked in production, as a performer and stage managed for Alice Farley’s dance theater company Looking Glass Productions. Raised in a family of activist, Aviva worked with Bread and Puppet Theatre; Theatre of the Oppressed NYC; Fergusons’ TruthTelling Project; and among others South Bronx Unite, City Life Vida Urbana, and Springfield No One Leaves.painted murals and designed and produced mosaic works with high school students in New York City Public Schools.
She is a Featured Artist and Curriculum Writer for YAC, an She Assisted at Double Dog Dare Studio ran by Sally French on Kauai, HI in 2020;
Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute and is currently studying Mussar with The IOWA project: antiracism practices through the Rabbinical Jewish lens.Fergusons’ TruthTelling Project; and among others South Bronx Unite, City Life Vida Urbana, and Springfield No One LeavesIn 2018 Aviva curated a visual and performing arts fundraiser for Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria with Lesley University’s Multicultural Center.
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